Motley Deity

Motley Deity

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“Motley Deity” is a captivating oil painting rich with spiritual symbolism and intricate detail. It combines elements from Christianity, Satanism, Catholicism, and other faiths that recognize Sheva as their deity. The central figure, adorned with six arms, holds the censer used in Catholic rituals to spread incense, and wields the golden Catholic staff, symbols of authority and sanctity.

One hand depicts the gesture associated with the saying “As above, so below,” illustrating the connection between different spiritual realms. The red drape adorning the wall alludes to the red robe of Jesus, a deviation from the conventional white. Adding to the complexity of the piece, the deity’s horns and glowing symbol above her head conjure a blend of divine and diabolic imagery, creating a profound exploration of spirituality. This artwork challenges viewers to delve into their understanding of faith, belief, and the interconnectedness of religious symbols.

© 2023 Adam Miconi