Charcoal Studies on Newsprint

Charcoal Studies on Newsprint

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Just a few quick charcoal studies on newsprint. I cover a few various subjects and different techniques for the charcoal but it fulfills the point of charcoal studies on newsprint.

Arm Focus Crosshatch in Charcoal

Here I wanted to do a fairly quick study focusing on the triceps and forearm. This was done in my 8×10 sketchbook and It’s only about five to ten-minute study. I often do many of these studies in my sketchbook to try to better understand the anatomy with every study.

Arm Charcoal Studies by Adam Miconi

Bust Focus Charcoal Studies

This was a very interesting model and I’ve drawn him a few times now. He is a young model in his early twenties named Julius. He’s always got some pretty outrageous hair that’s a challenge but always fun to draw at the same time. This was actually a full study but I focused most of my attention on the face, torso, and delts.

Figure Drawing in Charcoal by Adam Miconi

Neck Focus in Charcoal

This was a very quick study in which there were only about twenty minutes to draw the whole model so I got some proportions down that I was happy, I spent about ten minutes on that. After the first ten, I then spent the remainder of the time rendering the neck. The camera took the photo a bit light but I think the idea is still shown.

Quick Figure Study in Charcoal by Adam Miconi

Deltoid Focus

Another quick study but there was a half hour for this. Yeah, I know, I’m slow at drawing. I got some overall proportions completed and then decided to focus on the deltoids and how it moves into the upper arm and the back. I could see the overlap between the deltoids and the acromion process.

Shoulder Study in Charcoal by Adam Miconi

© 2023 Adam Miconi